Conduct submarine operations in all major naval theatres of the Second World War: patrol duty, ambushing convoys, laying mines in enemy waters, and many more! Do you have what it takes to command the Kriegsmarine‘s finest? Hunt or be hunted, as you brave the stormy seas of the greatest conflict in history!

U-BOOT: The Board Game is a multiple award-winning real-time tabletop game of World War II submarine warfare. 1 to 4 players assume the roles of Captain, First Officer, Navigator, and Chief Engineer on board a VIIC U-boat. They coordinate their actions to fulfill mission objectives issued to them by the German Navy HQ. The game uses a companion app, allowing for an unprecedented level of realism, as well as a challenging enemy A.I. that will push your skills to the limit. The action unfolds both on the strategic and the tactical scale, always demanding teamwork, efficient crew management, and quick situation assessment.
the four roles entails unique responsibilities, encouraging the players to develop an efficient communication scheme and use genuine navy terminology. The Captain oversees the completion of mission objectives, supervises action point costs, and is responsible for the crew’s morale. The First Officer operates the companion app, manages the flow of information, and takes care of the crew’s health. The Navigator steers the submarine by setting its course and depth and updates all the essential information on the strategic and the tactical map. The Chief Engineer is responsible for the engines, repairs, weapon systems, as well as other mechanical implements. Each player controls a team of eight sailors, with four of them performing acting duty at a given time. They move around the U-boat and carry out the captain’s orders. These range from maneuvering the submarine, through keeping the crew’s morale in check, to launching deadly attacks against Allied shipping.
Game details:
- Cardboard U-BOOT model
- 16 plastic crew miniatures
- 1 plastic 88mm gun miniature
- 1 plastic 20mm gun miniature
- 1 plastic conning tower equipment
- 1 Rulebook
- 1 Tactical Guide
- 4 cardboard player boards
- 4 cardboard watch tiles
- 97 cards
- 219 tokens
- Cardboard Attack disk
- Cardboard ruler and protractor
- Navigation maps chart
- Captain’s log chart
- Allied vessel identification chart
- Enigma messages code sheet
- Cloth bag
- Pencil
- 10 zip bags
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